Tuesday, January 29

Australia Day shenanigans

Okay you asked for it. Here's some shots of the top weekend. With some comments.

The spot where Gourmet Nuts burst a water pipe - 30 mins into setting up on day 1

After the burst pipe - Joey was relaxing

Mark and Matt and the flag

Enjoying the river in the morning

Various camp shots:

Dillon doing his best impression of Chaffy Nuts

Bazza worked his magic on these sunnies...

With spectacular results! Check the glue right over the lens...

Plain crack and beer did the job

Mark working out the winner of Frustration - 'Chaffy-Nuts'

Cheeky ol' Dusty Nuts

The boys measure up to each other

Lu-Lu having a great time

Dillon - hammered

An incredible number '2' of bbq and tomatoe sauce on a lamb chop...

...is destroyed by 'Comfy-nuts' Mark

Lookout! Comfy Nuts gets shat on! Don't mess with sauce 'ol Comfy

Back home, Dusty Nuts performed a radical new surgery technique

That's it - bring on the comments

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