Sunday, May 20

Ciao a tutti!

We finally made it here to Montebelluna (near Venice), found some internets so here's our first update:

Have to go


Our first outing in Roma
(with 4 hours sleep in 36 hours of transit)

A bit more refreshed the next day

We had to wait for the Trevi Fountain to be cleaned
but it eventually got spraying...

The two boys in front of a tower the Romans
flogged off the Egyptions

Outside the Pantheon

Adrianna outside where she lived
for a while as a 10 year old girl

Dillon had fun with a fountain outside the Vatican City

Hard to see the slendour of this Bassillico inside
Vatican City - but it was just magical

Dillon posing on a rock-thingy while Teddy
gets the old-school torture treatment

Heading toward the Sistine Chapel.
Andrew's head nearly exploded at this point

Inside the Collosseum. Andrew's quest to
find Russ ended unsuccessfully

Filling up at the Spanish Steps

This market just off Las Ramblas was so colourful
the camera actually started to sweat

Adrianna in front of Gaudi's famous Sagrada Famiglia

Dillon on the tourist bus going past the Cathederal

Riding the Barcelona Metro into the city

After some Spanish Tapas - Dillon wets his whistle

Joey and Dillon surrounded by
some 'average' Barcelona street art

We arrive at Adrianna's sister Gianna's home and
immediately are presented with food.
Risotto with white asparagus to be exact!


Anonymous said...

HI Guys

what a fantastic time you must be having. great to see you arrived safely. hope the flights weren't too bad.

dillon is looking so much like diggles now!

travel safely and can't wait to see more pics - we are so jealous.

the boys and lucy are missing dillon.

Love - The Echuca Mob

Anonymous said...

Wow Dillon, they are some great pics!

You all look like you're having a wonderful time. Are you enjoying the food over there? It's kind of similar to what Nonna makes I guess. Is Zia Gianna still a really good cook?

Make sure you let us know about the interesting food you eat. Somehow I think that's what you'll like the most, ha ha!

Say hi to Mum, Dad and Nonna for me ok?

Zia Bianca